Friday, July 23, 2010

the one thing

 we don't yet see things clearly. we're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. but it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! we'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as god sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!
1 corinthians 13:12 (the message)

spirituality, to me, is a very different thing than religion.

i call myself a christian. however i consider myself a spiritual christian, and have no desire at all to be a religious one.

over the course of my life thus far, i have explored several different areas of spirituality and have obtained information about many different religions. which religions and exactly what spiritual paths are inconsequential and irrelevant to this post. i chose to state my chosen spiritual path above only to satisfy your own curiosity if, in fact, that curiosity exists. (and because this is my blog and i will write whatever i want to.)

so, let's get on with it. as a result of my explorations and experiences there is one thing that i really feel that i have learned. something that i feel is rather indisputable (which will, of course, provoke disputation). this is the one thing that i have learned and that i feel is absolutely (and really truly), true. XD

this may be difficult to follow. i am going to articulate it as best i can. however i don't think that the essence of what i am going to say will require much intelligence. just a bit of acceptance and willingness to accept the truth whether it is what we have been conditioned to believe or not. one more thing: i am not trying to generate any kind of "following" concerning this thing. i came to the realization of this thing by walking my own path. i suggest you do the same. 

it would seem that there is something very powerful and very timeless that exists, something invisible. something that all varieties of people throughout the existence of mankind have claimed to have witnessed or communicated with through various revelatory experiences. people's descriptions and beliefs concerning the nature of this thing and how we should respond to it's existence are as countless as the stars.

it exists. because it exists, that means that everything else that exists has some kind of relation to it. we exist in a place and time and state of being that is relative to this thing. a central scientific  fact that is important to keep in mind as i continue to blabber, is this: no two things can occupy the same space at the same time. what this means is that no two people can or will ever relate to this thing in exactly the same way at the same time.

anything that exists has form. let's pretend for the sake of illustration that this thing is similar in form to a diamond. diamonds have many facets. some facets are clearer than others. some facets are extremely flawed. sometimes if you compare different facets of the same diamond,  you might not believe that you are still looking at the same diamond! everyone that has ever existed has experienced and related to this diamond from a different perspective.

now, sometimes you will have two people who are very near to one another concerning how they relate to the thing. they may be so near one another's position in relation to the thing that it might even seem to them that they are seeing it exactly the same way. they might believe that they are in agreement about everything concerned with it. however, if one of them were to ever express a perception of the thing that differed from the other person's perception, well then they might begin to think that one of them had bumped their head too hard and was going a little crazy. sadly, they would each almost certainly conclude that the other person was wrong about the point of disagreement. 

often there are large groups of people who all stand together and adore the way they see the thing together. they might have a little disagreement about what they are seeing, but they see enough of it commonly that they feel confident enough that they see are looking at the same thing that they can call it by the same name. that is, so long as the important parts remain agreed upon.

while all of this agreement and gathering is going on in that particular spot, the same thing is happening at many other places all around the thing. large congregations are gathering and adoring the thing together. the farther apart these congregations are, the more obviously their collective agreements differ from each other.

each congregation is so convinced that the way they see the thing is right, and they love their perspective so much, that they can't imagine that there is any other way to see it. inevitably, people from these congregations cross paths. when they share their knowledge of the thing with one another, there is a good possibility that one group of people may call red what the other sees as blue, important as what the other sees as unimportant, and most potentially tragically (historically tragically as a matter-of-fact), wrong what the other sees as right.

these congregations may be convinced that each others ideas differ so strongly from their own that they actually feel threatened. another thing they might think is that the other people's perceptions are morally and ethically wrong to such an extent as to deem that particular congregation as unworthy to continue living. so in the name of the way they see the the thing, they wage war.

whew! that was a lot about large common congregations.

i want to touch on some other cases that occur concerning relation to the thing.

there are some people who stand alone. no-one ever approaches their way of seeing the thing, ever. the clarity of how these people see the thing can vary widely. some of them are in a position that they see it from a seriously flawed perspective. even so, i am going to venture to say that there is probably something in this point of view that is appealing and clear enough to the person that they want to stay right where they are. maybe some of the people that stand alone see the thing from such a clear perspective that we count them as radicals, writing them off as being as nutty and insane as the guy who is seeing almost all flaws, when there is a possibility that they see the thing more clearly than anyone else ever has.

some people are closer to the thing than others. some people are very far away. i don't know that nearness or farness necessarily have anything to do with how badly a person wants to be near the thing, either. a person could have a very strong desire to draw near the thing. they may inquire of other people and they might even try viewing the thing from other people's perspectives. maybe this is beneficial and maybe it's not. it's hard telling not knowing, being that it's hard to tell just how clearly others see without first getting very close to them and trying their perspective on for size. so this method of trying to see the thing better could just as easily be detrimental as productive. in turn, the person who is very near the thing may have been fortunate to be surrounded with people who have guided them to a wonderfully clear view. however, that doesn't mean that they give a rat's ass about it or that they will ever give much attention to the thing.

a bit of irony: many people who begin their lives very near the thing are so familiar with it that they regard it as a common and are hard pressed to appreciate the beauty and the energy of the thing. in contrast, the person who begins afar may find themselves charged and zealous to experience more of it every time they catch a new glimpse of the thing.

there are certain people who i have heard of (i am not entirely convinced that they exist, but i don't entirely discount their existence, either), who claim that they have never even seen the thing at all. i am going to say that even though they may have their back turned or their eyes closed, nothing can change the plain and simple truth that they are still in relation to the thing.

some people travel all around the thing gaining as much insight as they can from as many perspectives as possible. sometimes they continue this for a lifetime. often, though, they will eventually settle on a favorite perspective. 

other people make it their business to run amuck and try to persuade other people to come and see the thing their way.

just this morning it occurred to me that sometimes individuals can get too close to other individuals (sometimes right in their face), obstructing people's personal points of view.
and just as i wrote that, another one came to me. some people actually try to make such a spectacle of themselves that they distract other people and divert people's attention off of the thing and onto themselves...

i think i have successfully exhausted all of the examples in my arsenal at the moment :)

now, for the point of all this...

no matter how we see it, we are all looking at the same thing. at it's core, in the middle, the meat and potatoes of the thing is the same. consider how many different faiths all over the world, throughout time, are possessed of people who claim to have had profound, and intense spiritual experiences through which they have claimed to have some sort of contact or touch or message or revelation from this thing. i, myself, can be counted among them. i have had an encounter with the thing that i will never be able to deny. it was physical,  it was spiritual, it was emotional... it was very real

there are people all around the world who speak other languages and who have different daily routines and who have beliefs that are very different from the beliefs than i have who claim to have had an equally undeniable encounter. hell, there are people who live down the block who see the thing differently than i do who can stake the same claim.

i would be remiss (as well as disgustingly egotistical), to suggest that they are liars or that they are mistaken or that their experience came from some kind of dark and hellish realm.

the core of this thing is love and acceptance of everything that surrounds it, for all "us things" came from it. can we do as the thing does? can we just exist and love and accept without forcing everyone else to abide by our own will and ascribe to our own ideas?

my ways are flawed. i know that much. it is because i know that than i can accept that everyone else's ways are imperfect as well. i can be willing to not judge them. i don't find it necessary to wage war with you because you don't choose to come over here and see the same flaws that i do.



"when you have reached your own room, be kind to those who have chosen different doors and to those who are still in the hall. if they are wrong they need your prayers all the more; and if they are your enemies, then you are under orders to pray for them. that is one of the rules common to the whole house."
~c.s. lewis

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

sticks and stones

the tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruit
proverbs 18:21 (niv)


they are such small things.

deceptively small.

the written word: seemingly nothing more than an assembly of sound-representing symbols.
the spoken word: a vocalization of sequential sounds that translate thoughts into an audible form.

the primary function of the word: the translation of thought into a form that is useful for communication.

with our words, we wield an incredible power. we combine them into sequences that reflect our thoughts and our attitudes. then, we unleash them into the world. once they have been unleashed, they do something almost, well... dare i say magickal?

the moment these words penetrate another human being, they change things...

(a brief tangent)
information. information is the primary thing that words introduce to a person when they are received. information can be useful, or it can be useless. it can be productive, and it can be destructive.

here is an anomaly: misinformation. this anomaly occurs in two forms. intentional, and unintentional.

intentional misinformation is also known as a lie, and unintentional misinformation can also be called ignorance.
(tangent concluded XD)

so, getting back to this notion that words change things...

i have found that when my attitude is good, i tend to speak good things. positivity flows from me. and often the things that i speak produce a chain reaction that begins to influence the people who receive the words that i am speaking. of course, the same holds true vice-versa. when someone enters the scene who is flowing with positivity and who is pouring that positivity out through their mouth, it has a definite and recognizable influence on the way that i feel. sometimes their words can evoke a smile from me, and perhaps a laugh will follow. when these things begin to happen, the magick compounds. but that is another story for another day.

i can build up and design and decorate a wonderful atmosphere of positivity all around me. this building takes time, effort, and commitment.

now, another thing that i have discovered is that with one fell swoop of the tongue i can tear down all that i have labored to build. unfortunately, sometimes i don't stop right away either. sometimes, i slice and cut and bash and just do everything i can to wreak as much devastation upon things as possible. it's bad enough that i have destroyed the product of my labor, even worse is this: people get wounded in these attacks...

i am rather well practised at the art of destruction. i have caused more pain to people that i love and care about with my words than i ever wanted to. i am severely lacking in self-control. once the gates open, i have one helluva time closing them again. it is only by the grace of the one who created me that anyone still wants to put up with me or have me be a part of their life. 

it is not necessarily easy to keep the mouth closed sometimes. indisputably, however, it is a far easier thing to keep silent than it is to deal with the wreckage that is produced once my mouth has had it's untamed way with people.

once the power of the word is unleashed, once it's influence has flown, there is no taking it back. there is no undoing the magick of the word. for better or for worse, we will eat the fruits of our lips.

"it is as easy to draw back a stone thrown with force from the hand, 
as to recall a word once spoken."

none of us are perfect. all of us will speak things that we will later wish we could simply erase from history. it's part of being human. it is experience and it is a part of our education in the schoolroom of life. life is meant to be lived. mistakes are meant to be learned from. let us make an effort, for our own sakes and for the sakes of the rest of the humans that we share this world and this lifetime with, to keep the repetition to a minimum. let us pay attention to what we are doing. we ought to be considerate of the effect that the externalization of our feelings will have on other people. don't forget that the affect that you have on other people's lives is essentially the proverbial bed that you are making, and you are going to have to lie in it.

i want to say that i am not condoning the practice of bottling one own feelings. rather, i am admonishing that we carefully consider our words and the consequences that speaking them will incur before we open the floodgates and let the tongue spew...

one last thing, please, take every opportunity to speak blessings and encouragement into one another's lives. when you are feeling weak and desperate, speak strength and hope!  the words you speak will influence and multiply! they will positively influence your environment. in turn, this newly influenced environment will produce, in you, new feelings. feelings that are ultimately the fruit of the words that you have sown into the lives of others.

cast your bread upon the waters,
for after many days you will find it again
ecclesiastes 11:1 (niv)

oh boy did i just blabber a lot! :)

i hope you find this useful in your life. keep in mind that this is a work of progress, not perfection! as long as we are mortal, we will make mistakes.



“sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can hurt like hell.”
~chuck palahniuk

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

let us begin...

let us begin with an introduction.

my name is jeremy, and i am pleased to make your acquaintance.

in this name i try to find some sense of identity. what an exercise in futility! today jeremy is very different than he was yesterday, and tomorrow he shall find himself, again... different.

"my being has many facets"
~ignatius j. riley

my identity is fluid. nothing in my life is static. i am always changing, as is the world around me. 

it is only with great effort and a commitment to practice positive spiritual principles that this perpetual changing is anything other than a downhill spiral resembling the antithesis of evolution. 

for me (as is the case with most of us), life has been an uphill battle. unfortunately i spent somewhere right around twenty years of my life content with sitting at the bottom of this hill, scraping the bottom of the barrel. i had this idea that conquering the great hill before me was not to be my lot in life. i felt that i was destined to make my place at the bottom and settle for what ever rolled on down my way. if i could manage to not get killed by some of the things that rolled my way, then, by damn, i was doing quite well! 

at the bottom of the hill i found a great many precious treasures that i allowed to contribute to my identity...

addict ~ thief ~ trespasser ~ junkie ~ invalid
alcoholic ~ bum ~ freeloader ~ dumpster-diver
vandal ~ dope-man ~ convict ~ liar ~ cheater

and the list goes on.

but there is something that i did gain from those years: mistakes, experiences, lessons

while i wish most of the things i have lived and experienced on no-one else, i regret none of them. the lessons that i have learned have shaped me into who i am today. jeremy, of today. and i'm okay with that.

my purpose in writing this blog, is to share with you some of the experience, strength, and hope that i found at the bottom of the hill. if it's worth something to you, fantastic. if you determine that you don't like what you get here, by all means, toss it over your shoulder. it will undoubtedly find it's way to some desperate scumbag down there who can use it.



all that i truly know, is that i know very little
~ jeremy webb ~